Example quote

Enabling students to achieve their potential since 1994

Upgrade example: WKH15 to Macbook Pro M2 13inch

Contribution amount payable: £1119.00

The following upgrade quote example shows the cost differences taking into account: insurance, laptop, accessories and software.

In this particular case, the amount you would need to contribute is £1119.00

Please note that these products and prices in these examples are not exact and are purely for guidance purposes only.

Each upgrade is calculated on an individual basis taking into account the original order authorised by your funding body.

Please note
If you upgrade to an Apple the warranty and insurance is a lot more expensive so this difference will need to be paid for by the student.

If you are funded by Student Finance England you will also need to pay the £200 contribution on top of the upgrade price.

Example PC quote

Sample Quote PC

Example Apple quote

Sample Quote Mac